February 13, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell gets upset at Wayne LaPierre

I don't always like Wayne LaPierre, but he sure knows how to get under the skin of anti-gunners, even if he does side with them from time to time.

Lawrence O'Donnell doesn't really seem to have any clue what he's talking about in this clip. How can the DOJ release a credible study about the decline in "assault weapon" murders during any time period in any state and actually attribute any cause to it? The "assault weapons" ban didn't ban any sort of functionality for any weapon. It banned the new manufacture of "high capacity" magazines and of semi-automatic rifles with certain other peripheral features that did not affect the firing capability of any of the rifles that would be produced during the time of effect of the ban. The ban was enacted in the midst of a rapid decline in the nationwide murder rate, thus attributing the contemporary decline of a certain sub-class of murders to a certain inconsequential law is absurd. Likewise, these same "high capacity" magazines were still legal to sell and trade so long as they had been manufactured before 1994.

And what is there to gain from banning high capacity magazines with a grandfather clause? Nothing. What is there to lose from banning high capacity magazines without a grandfather clause? Everything.

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